
The Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) terminated on December 31, 2015 because the federal authorizing legislation was not enacted. The Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA) and Upper Klamath Basin Comprehensive Agreement (UKBCA) are still in effect, they did not terminate with the KBRA, but they also require federal authorization legislation and their implementation is interdependent with the now-terminated KBRA. The KHSA and UKBCA provide processes for amendment or termination.

Public Meetings on revisions to the Klamath Basin Agreements

Future public meetings will be posted on this website.

The KHSA Parties held a meeting on March 16, 2016 at 1 pm in the Sierra Hearing Room on the second floor of the California EPA Building, 1001 I Street, in Sacramento, California.  This meeting was open to the public.

The Parties discussed the draft amendments to the KHSA and took public comment at the end of the meeting.  Click here for a copy of the Draft Amendments to the KHSA.

Prior Klamath Basin Coordinating Committee meetings:

This section has links to the agendas and meeting materials from the meetings of the Klamath Basin Coordinating Committee.  The KBCC was established to coordinate the implementation of the settlements.