This page lists documents and reports prepared by the Klamath Basin Coordinating Council. Copies of the Klamath Agreements are on the Agreements tab. There is a drop down menu that also provides a summary of each agreement.
- 2016 Agreement in Principle to amend the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA) and Klamath AIP Press Release
- Fifth Annual Report
- Fourth Annual Report
- On-Project Plan
- Final Upper Klamath Basin Comprehensive Agreement. See also summary, press release, and more information (Apr 2014)
- Klamath Basin Task Force Report
- Third Annual Report and press release
- Status Report on Implementation of the Klamath Basin Hydroelectric Settlement (June 2013)
- First Amendment to the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement and Summary (Dec 2012)
- Second Annual Report and press release (Mar 2012)
- KBRA Drought Plan
- Revised cost estimates for the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement and summary
- First Annual Report and press release (May 2011)
- Final Drought Plan (July 2011)
- Communications protocols (Nov 2012)
- KBCC protocols (Dec 2010)
- Science Review of Klamath Agreements (2008)